



編輯:2022-10-27 14:19:08



Yang X M, Kay B D. Rotation and tillage effects on soil organic carbon sequestration in a typic Hapludalf in Southern Ontario. Soil & Tillage Research2001, 59, 107-114.


Zhang X P, Deng W, Yang X M. The background concentration values of 13 soil trace elements and their relationships to parent materials and vegetation in Xizang(Tibet), ChinaJournal of Asian Earth Sciences2002, 21, 167-174.


 Zhang X P, Yang X M. Copper content and its distribution in soils of TibetJournal of Geographical Sciences2002, 12(3): 343-347.

4Yang X M, Zhang X P, Fang H J. Black soil degradation under rainfall erosion in Jilin, China. Land Degradatian & Development2003, 14, 409-420.

Yang X M, Zhang X P, Fang H J. Long-term effects of fertilization on soil organic carbon changes in continuous Corn of Northeast China: RothC model simulations. Environmental Management2003, 32(4): 459-465.


Zhang X P, Fang H J, Yang X M. No-till and Hand Hoeing  impacts on Carbon Dioxide Emissions from a silty loam soil in Northeast China. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis2005, 36, 1041-1045.


 Zhao L P, Sun Y J, Zhang X P, Yang X M, Drury C F. Soil organic carbon in clay and silt  sized particles in Chinese mollisols:Relationship to the predicted capacity. Geoderma, 2006, 132, 315-323.


Fang H J, Cheng S L, Zhang X P, Liang A ZYang X M, Drury C F. Impact of Soil Redistribution on carbon sequestration at a sloping cropland in Northeast China. Land degradation & development2006, 1789-96 


Fang H J, Yang X M, Zhang X P, Liang A Z. Using 137Cs tracer technique to evaluate soil erosion and deposition of a black soil in Northeast China. Pedosphere2006, 16(2): 201-209. 


Luo J M, Deng W, Zhang X P, Yang F, Li X J. Characteristics of Channeling flow in cultivated horizon of saline rice soil. Chinese Geographical Science2006, 16(4):342-246.  


Zhu P, Ren J, Wang L C, Zhang X P, Yang X M, MacTavish D. Long-term fertilization impacts on corn yields and soil organic matter on a clay-loam soil in Northeast China. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science2007, 170:219-223. 


Liang A Z, Zhang X P, Fang H J, Yang X M, Drury C F. Short-term effects of tillage practices on organic carbon in clay loam soil in northeast China. Pedosphere2007, 17(5): 619-623 


Wen G, Chen C C, Wichman K N D, Jackson G. Yield response of pea lentil and chickpea to phosphorus addition in a clay loam soil of central montana. Archives of Agronmy and Soil Science2008, 54(1): 69-82.


Wen G, Schoenau J J, Yang X M, Zhang X P, Li X J, Eneji E. Carbon and sulfur concentration are negatively correlated in seeds of canola. Journal of Plant Nutrition2008, 31, 1523-1533. 


Liang A Z, Yang X M, Zhang X P, McLaughlin N B, Shen Y, Li W F. Soil organic carbon changes in particle-size fractions following cultivation of Black soils in China. Soil & Tillage Research2009, 105(1): 21-26.

16Liang A Z, Zhang X P, Yang X M, McLaughlin N B, Shen Y, Li W F. Estimation of totai erosion in cultivated Black soils in Northeast China from vertical profiles of soil organic carbon. European Journal of Soil Science2009, 60, 223-339.
17Liang A Z, Yang X M, Zhang X P, Shen Y, Shi X H, Fang H J, Fan R Q. Short-term impacts of no tillage on aggregate-associated C in Black soil of Northeast China. Agricultural Sciences in China2010, 9(1): 93-100.
18Jia S X, Wang Z Q, Li X P, Sun Y, Zhang X P, Liang A Z. N fertilization affects on soil respiration, microbial biomass and root respiration in Larix gmelinii and Fraxinus mandshurica plantations in China. Plant and Soil2010, 333, 325-336.
19Zhang X P, Liang A Z, Shen Y, Shi X H, Fan R Q, Yang X M. Soil organic carbon dynamics in physical fractions in Black soils of Northeast China. 19 th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World, 1-6 August 2010, Brisbane, Australia. Published on DVD.
20Yang X M, Zhang X P, Zhang X D, Yang J Y. Conservation tillage: a promosing solution for rebuilding fertile a horizons of black soils in Northeast China. New Advances in Research and Management of World Mollisols2010, Harbin, July 13-16, 212-213.
21Fan R Q, Zhang X P, Liang A Z, Shen Y, Shi X H. Tillage and rotation effects on crop yield and profitability on a clay loam soil in Northeast China. New Advances in Research and Management of World Mollisols2010, Harbin, July 13-16, 214-215.
22Luo J M, Wang Y J, Ye Y J, Deng W, Zhang X P, Wen G. Influence of rice-cultivation on preferential flow of sodic alkaline soil in Northeast China. Asia and Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC2010, 1-5).
23Cheng S L, Fang H J, Zhu T H, Zheng J J, Yang X M, Zhang X P, Yu G R. Effects of soil erosion and depositionon soil organic carbon dynamics at a sloping field in Black Soil region, Northeast China. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition2010, 56(4): 521-529.
24Liang A Z, Zhang X P, McLaughlin N B, Shen Y, Shi X H, Fan R Q. Short-term effects of tillage practices on soil aggregate fractions in a Chinese Mollisol. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science2011, 61, 535- 542.
25Jia S X, Wang Z Q, Li X P, Zhang X P, McLaughlin N B. Effect of nitrogen fertilizer, root branch order and temperature on respiration and tissue N concentration of fine roots in larix gmelinli and framinus mandshurica.  Tree Physiology2011, 31(7):718-726.
26Shi X H, Yang X M, Drury C F, Reynolds D W, McLaughlin N B, Welacky T W, Zhang X P. Zone tillage impacts on organic carbon of a clay loam in Southwestern Ontario. Soil Science Society of America Journal2011, 75(3): 1083-1089.
27Chen X W, Shi X H, Zhang X P, Liang A Z, Jia S X, Fan R Q, Wei S C. No-tillage impacts on soil organic carbon in a Black soil in Northeast China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin2011, 20(12): 3199-3205.
28Luo J M, Yang F, Wang Y J, Deng W, Zhang X P, Liu Z. Mechanism of soil sodification as affected by shallow groundwater table at the local scale in Songnen Plain, Northeast China.  Arid Land Research and Management2011, 25(3): 234-256.
29Ding X L, Zhang B, Zhang X D, Yang X M, Zhang X P. Effects of tillage and crop rotation on soil microbial residues in a rainfed agroecosystem of northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research2011, 114, 43-49.
30Shi X H, Yang X M, Drury C F, Reynolds D W, McLaughlin N B, Zhang X P. Impact of ridge tillage on soil organic carbon and selected physical properties of a clay loam in southwestern Ontario. Soil & Tillage Research2012, 120, 1-7.
31Shi X H, Zhang X P, Yang X M, Drury C F, McLaughlin N B, Liang A Z, Fan R Q, Jia S X. Contribution of winter soil respiration to annual soil COemission in Mollisol different tillage practices in northeast China. Global Biogeochemical Cycles2012, 26(2): 1-11.
32Fan R Q, Zhang X P, Liang A Z, Shi X H, Chen X W, Bao K S, Yang X M, Jia S X. Tillage and rotation effects on crop yield and profitability on a Black Soil in northeast China. Canadian Journal of Soil Science2012, 92, 463-470.
33Zhang S X, Li Q, Zhang X P, Wei K, Chen L J, Liang W J. Effects of conservation tillage on soil aggregation and agggaegate binding agents in black soil Northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research2012, 124, 196-202.
34Fan R Q, Yang X M, Xie H T, Ree M A. Determination of nutrients in hydroponic solutions using mid-infrared spectroscopy. Scientia Horticulturae2012, 144, 48-54.
35Shi X H, Zhang X P, Yang X M, McLaughlin N B, Liang A Z, Fan R Q. An appropriate time-window for measuring soil CO2 efflux: a case study on a Black soil in northeast China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science2012, 62, 449-454.
36范如芹, 楊學(xué)明, 張曉平, 申艷, 梁愛珍, 時(shí)秀煥, 魏守才, 陳學(xué)文. 東北黑土不同組分有機(jī)碳的近紅外光譜測(cè)定. 光譜學(xué)與光譜分析2012, 32(2): 349-353. (SCI)
37范如芹, 申艷, 楊學(xué)明, 張曉平, 梁愛珍, 賈淑霞, 陳學(xué)文, 魏守才. 黑土腐殖酸的近紅外光譜測(cè)定.光譜學(xué)與光譜分析2012, 32(10): 349-353. (SCI)
38Fan R Q, Zhang X P, Shen Y, Yang X M, Liang A Z. Near-infrared spectroscopic assessment of hot water extractable and oxidizable organic carbon in cultivated and uncultivated Mollisols in China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science2013, 63, 37-45.
39Zhang S X, Li Q, Lu Y, Zhang X P, Liang W J. Contributions of soil biota to C sequestration varied with aggregate fractions under different tillage systems. Soil Biology & Biochemistry2013, 62, 147-156. 















Liang A Z, McLaughlin N B, Ma B L, Gregorich E G, Morrison M J, Burtt S D, Patterson B S, Evenson L I. Changes in mouldboard plough draught and tractor fuel consumption on continuous corn after 18 years of organic and inorganic N amendments. Energy2013, 52, 89-95.
Jia S X, McLaughlin N B,  Gu J C, Li X P, Wang Z Q. Relationships between root respiration rate and root morphology, chemistry and anatomy in Larix gmelinii and Fraxinus mandshurica. Tree Physiology2013, 33, 579–589.
Fan R Q, Yang X M, Drury C F, Guo X B, Zhang X P. Distribution and stability of organic carbon in soil aggregate external and internal layers underthree different land-use systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal2013, 77, 1625-1635.
Chen X W, Fan R Q, Shi X H, Liang A Z, Zhang X P, Jia S X. Spatial variation of penetration resistance and water content as affected by tillage and crop rotation in a black soil in Northeast China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science, 2013, 63, 740-747.
Wei K, Chen Z H, Zhang X P, Liang W J, Chen L J. 
Tillage effects on phosphorus composition and phosphatase activities in soil aggregates. Geoderma, 2014, 217-218, 37-44.
Fan R Q, Yang X M, Drury C F, Reynolds W D, Zhang X P. Spatial distributions of soil chemical and physical properties prior to planting soybean in soil under ridge-, no- and conventional-tillage in a maize–soybean rotation. Soil Use and Management2014, 30(3): 414-422.
Wei S C, Zhang X P, McLaughlin N B, Liang A Z, Jia S X, Chen X W, Chen X X. Effect of soil temperature and soil moisture on CO2 flux from eroded landscape positions on black soil in Northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research2014, 144, 119-125.
Chen X W, Liang A Z, Jia S X, Zhang X P, Wei S C. Impact of tillage on physical characteristics in a Mollisol of Northeast China. Plant, Soil and Environment, 2014, 60(7): 309-313.
Liang A Z, Chen S L, Zhang X P, Chen X W. Short-Term Effects of Tillage Practices on Soil Organic Carbon Turnover Assessed by δ13C Abundance in Particle-Size Fractions of Black Soils from Northeast China. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, article ID 514183.
Chen X W, Shi X H, Liang A Z, Zhang X P, Jia S X, Fan R Q, Wei S C. Least limiting water range and soil pore size distribution related to soil organic carbon dynamics following zero and conventional tillage of a black soil in Northeast China. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge, 2015, 153, 270-281.
Chen X W, Zhang X P, Liang A Z, Jia S X, Wei S C. Evaluation of physical quality in no-till and conventional till of a Chinese mollisol. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2015, 24(3a): 954-958.
Zhang S X, Chen X W, Jia S X, Liang A Z, Zhang X P, Yang X M, Wei S C, Sun B J, Huang D D, Zhou G Y. The potential mechanism of long-term conservation tillage effects on maize yield in the black soil of Northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research, 2015, 154, 84-90.
Zhang S X, Li Q, Lv Y, Sun X M, Jia S X, Zhang X P, Liang W J. Conservation tillage positively influences the microflora and microfauna in the black soil of Northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research, 2015, 149, 46-52.
Jia S X, Zhang X P, Chen X W, McLaughlin N B, Zhang S X, Wei S C, Sun B J, Liang A Z. Long-term conservation tillage influences the soil microbial community and its contribution to soil CO2 emissions in a Mollisol in Northeast China. Journal of  Soils and Sediments, 2016, 16(1): 1-12.
Sun B J, Jia S X, Zhang S X, McLaughlin N B, Zhang X P, Liang A Z, Chen X W, Wei S C, Liu S Y. Tillage, seasonal and depths effects on soil microbial properties in black soil of Northeast China. Soil & Tillage Research, 2016, 155, 421-428.
Wei S C, Zhang X P, McLaughlin N B, Yang X M, Liang A Z, Jia S X, Chen X W. Effect of breakdown and dispersion of soil aggregates by erosion on soil
CO2 emission. Geoderma, 2016, 264, 238-243.


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